By Robin Suzelis, Director

Photo Caption: ASMV Director Robin with her youngest son with autism Trick or Treating last year
For some, it’s decorating with mums and enjoying the annual Pumpkin Spice Latte. As a parent of two boys with autism, it’s trying to do this while trying to balance our world.
The definition of Fall is to “lose one’s balance and collapse.” I often hit the point of feeling overwhelmed and overextended. I’m always trying to balance my work, my husband’s work, and my family, while trying to help our friends and family in between.
I’m also trying to find time for myself and working to grow professionally as well. I was recently asked to serve on an amazing board and I thought through it carefully and then said to myself it’s a great opportunity, but not right now. So I declined. I rarely say no to anything and will push myself emotionally and sometimes physically to get it done. As a Libra, happy birthday month to me, I’m always searching for balance and trying to make everyone happy. This week I stepped back a little to give myself time to breathe, to set goals, and to re-focus a little. So many people count on me to be there for them and to be strong. I want to be that person, but I need to make sure I don’t fall.
When raising kids with autism or raising kids in general or if you are a caretaker to an elderly loved one, you must make sure they don’t fall. I believe in helping others and never want to be someone who is selfish of their time or talents. But if I fall so do many others. Find your balance this Fall.
This is a great blog I wanted to share from a mom who shares her story and struggles. Thank you Autism Parenting Magazine for being a great resource –
I can identify with so much of this article and it is a glimpse of the struggles we have and some advice on how to not fall.