Falling off the Cliff
It’s labeled transition when a child moves from one task or situation to another. Regarding teens and young adults on the autism spectrum or other special needs, so much time, energy, and worry goes into transitions.
It’s labeled transition when a child moves from one task or situation to another. Regarding teens and young adults on the autism spectrum or other special needs, so much time, energy, and worry goes into transitions.
For some, it’s decorating with mums and enjoying the annual Pumpkin Spice Latte. As a parent of two boys with autism, it’s trying to do this while trying to balance our world.
I always take a moment at the start of the calendar year and then again at the beginning of the school year to evaluate how we are doing.
While helping at Camp FRIEND, I was immersed in every variety of autism’s stages and phases. Transitions, social skills, and speech often do not come easy for our children and teens.
Do you know of any great teachers in Mahoning Valley schools assisting students on the autism spectrum or with special needs?
You never know how different your life is as an autism mom until moms with neurotypical kids surround you. Last month I returned to my college stomping grounds for a
By Robin Suzelis, Director Photo Caption: Robin with Kris Moyo of the Autism Society of America at Warrior We don’t use the word Warrior lightly. We have so many
Having a safe, comfortable place to call home is important to good quality of life for everyone. Unfortunately, only 7% of autistic American adults have access to the support to live outside of
By Robin Suzelis, Director Parents of children with autism feel acceptance, and community inclusion is not just something to be highlighted in April but all year long. Did you
For most families going out to stores, restaurants, and fun places like the movies and bowling are easy. However, for families with a child with autism, often outings into the